Welcome to the Govt. I.T.I. Dhansiri

The Indian economy is in the mode of globalization and liberation and thus need to develop skilled workers in appropriate numbers with adequate skills, in consonance with the requirements of the ultimate users such as industries and service sectors. The same is being done by Industrial Training Institutes, well known by its abbreviated form “ITI”.

ITI, Dhansiri was established in the year of 1987 with the aim of promoting industrialization in the State. The largest share of jobs in the state is perhaps from unorganized sectors. As small enterprises have been the forerunner in generating employment. It was decided to develop the skills for these sectors. In the beginning there were only some traditional industrial trades like Fitter, Dress Making etc. in which training was provided. But with the rise of the service sector, trades like ICTSM, Electrician, Hair & Skin Care, COPA, Welder, Diesel Mechanic etc. were added later for training. The vocational training system of the state offers training through ITIs (government institutes) and ITCs (private institutes).There are about 26 such institutes in the state.

Facilities: Click on the images for more details

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